glasses girl

glasses girl
in the front of mosque

Thursday, October 13, 2011

16 Tensis dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengungkapan suatu kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta baik melalui tulisan (writing) maupun percakapan (speaking) pada umumnya mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + Verb/Predicate + Object + Modifier
Dalam bahasa Inggris, pengungkapan kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta tersebut selalu berpatokan pada tensis. Dengan tensis, pembaca atau lawan bicara akan mengetahui kapan kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta tersebut terjadi; Apakah sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang (present continuous tense), apakah terjadi di masa lampau (past tense), apakah sedang berlangsung di masa lampau (past continuous tense), apakah akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang (future tense), dan seterusnya.
Di sini, kita akan mendiskusikan 16 tensis (& aspek) dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:
  1. Simple present tense
  2. Present continuous tense
  3. Simple past tense
  4. Past continuous tense
  5. Present perfect tense
  6. Present perfect continuous tense
  7. Past perfect tense
  8. Past perfect continuous tense
  9. Simple future tense
  10. Future continuous tense
  11. Future perfect tense
  12. Future perfect continuous tense
  13. Past future tense
  14. Past future continuous tense
  15. Past future perfect tense
  16. Past future perfect continuous tense
Pada tabel di bawah secara berturut-turut diberikan contoh untuk tiap-tiap tensis. Perhatikan perubahan verb atau verb phrase seiring dengan berubahnya keterangan waktu.
are studying
last night.
were studying
when she came last night.
have studied
for 3 hours.
have been studying
for 3 hours.
had studied
for 3 hours when she came last night.
had been studying
for 3 hours when she came last night.
will study
will be studying
when she comes tomorrow.
will have studied
for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
will have been studying
for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
would study
when she came last night.
would be studying
when she came last night.
would have studied
for 3 hours when she came last night.
would have been studying
for 3 hours when she came last night.
Note: Khusus untuk contoh 5&6, 7&8, 11&12, dan 15&16 keterangan waktunya sama. Kenapa? Mari kita bahas tiap tensis satu per satu.

Predicate adjective dan Predicate nominative

Salah satu rule penting dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa setiap kalimat harus mengandung verb.
S + VERB + …
dan bentuk verb tersebut selalu mengikuti tensis/aspek yang digunakan, seperti yang telah ditabulasikan di 16 Tensis dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, di lain pihak, kita sering menggunakan kalimat tanpa verb, misalnya:
  • Dia sakit.
  • Saya seorang murid.
  • Mereka di sini
Kalau ketiga kalimat ini kita terjemahkan langsung ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimatnya akan menjadi:
  • He sick.
  • I a student.
  • They here.
Benarkah? Let’s take a look! Di kalimat pertama, sick adalah adjective, di kalimat kedua, (a) student adalah noun, sedangkan di kalimat ketiga, here adalah adverb. Jadi, karena ketiga kalimat ini sama sekali tidak mengandung verb, maka tiga-tiganya adalah salah.
Lantas, verb apa yang tepat digunakan agar ketiga kalimat tadi benar?
Untuk kalimat dengan konteks seperti ini, adjective, noun atau adverb tersebut adalah menerangkan subjek kalimat. Verbs yang dapat digunakan untuk menjembatani subjek kalimat dengan adjective (disebut predicative adjective), dengan noun (disebut predicative nominative), atau dengan adverb ini secara kolektif disebut linking atau copulative verbs. Dan, linking verb yang tepat digunakan untuk ketiga kalimat di atas adalah be (i.e. is, am, are, was, were, be, been), dengan mengikuti pola berikut:
Dengan catatan:
  1. BE menjadi is, am atau are pada kalimat yang menggunakan simple present tense (see pola 1) dan present continuous (see pola 2).
  2. BE menjadi was atau were pada kalimat yang menggunakan simple past tense (see pola 3) dan past continuous (see pola 4).
  3. BE menjadi been pada kalimat yang menggunakan perfect tenses (see pola 5, 6, 7 ,8, 13, 14, 15 & 16).
  4. BE tetap be (simple form) pada kalimat yang menggunakan future tenses (see pola 9, 10, 11 & 12).
  5. BE diikuti oleh being (yaitu, untuk memberi makna sedang in action) pada kalimat-kalimat progressive (see pola 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16).
Berikut adalah pola-pola penggunaan be pada tiap tensis/aspek dalam Bahasa Inggris.
No Patterns Tenses/aspects
1 S + is/am/are + adjective/noun/adverb Simple present
2 S + is/am/are + being + adjective/noun/adverb Present continuous
3 S + was/were + adjective/noun/adverb Simple past
4 S + was/were + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past continuous
5 S + has/have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Present perfect
6 S + has/have + been + being + adjective/noun Present perfect continuous
7 S + had + been + adjective/noun/adverb Past perfect
8 S + had + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past perfect continuous
9 S + will + be + adjective/noun/adverb Simple future
10 S + will be + being + adjective/noun/adverb Future continuous
11 S + would + be + adjective/noun/adverb Past future
12 S + would + be + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past future continuous
13 S + will + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Future perfect
14 S + will + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Future perfect continuous
15 S + would + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Past future perfect
16 S + would + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past future perfect continuous
Sedangkan yang berikut adalah contoh kalimat penggunaan be untuk tiap tensis/aspek.
No EXAMPLES Tenses/aspects
He is sick
I am a student
They are here
Simple present
He is being sick
I am being a student
They are being here
Present continuous
He was sick
I was a student
They were here
Simple past
He was being sick
I was being a student
They were being here
Past continuous
He has been sick
I have been a student
They have been here
Present perfect
He has been being sick
I have been being a student
They have been being here
Present perfect continuous
He had been sick
I had been a student
They had been here
Past perfect
He had been being sick
I had been being a student
They had been being here
Past perfect continuous
He will be sick
I will be a student
They will be here
Simple future
He will be being sick
I will be being a student
They will be being here
Future continuous
He would be sick
I would be a student
They would be here
Past future
He would be being sick
I would be being a student
They would be being here
Past future continuous
He will have been sick
I will have been a student
They will have been here
Future perfect
He will have been being sick
I will have been being a student
They will have been being here
Future perfect continuous
He would have been sick
I would have been a student
They would have been here
Past future perfect
He would have been being sick
I would have been being a student
They would have been being here
Past future perfect continuous

  • Di pola 9, 10, 11 & 12 di atas, baru penggunaan be setelah modal auxiliary will dan would. The simple form of be juga digunakan setelah modal auxiliary lainnya, seperti, can, may, might, shall, should, must, have to (simple future), dan could, might, should, had to (future in the past).
  • Untuk penggunaan be dan being lainnya, silakan cek di Penggunaan the simple form of BE dan Penggunaan BEING.

Contoh penggunaan simple past dan past continuous tense

It was around 8 p.m.
I was sitting in front of my computer when my daughter suddenly closed my eyes from behind.
  • Me                  : What are you doing, honey?
  • My daughter  : Please stay still, dad!
  • Me                 : But what are you doing?
She didn’t answer my question. She was busy wrapping my head with a shawl.
Everything then looked dark because my eyes were completely covered. So, when she slowly ushered me to the family room, I could barely walk. It took us forever to move from the computer room to the living room.
After having sat on the couch, my daughter unleashed the shawl from my head. The room was dark. The light was intentionally turned off. In the dark,  I   saw  my wife sitting in front of me. She was smiling and looking at me when she lit the candles.
What a surprise. Yup, they were all for my birthday. Frankly, I was deeply touched. It was another memorable moment in my life.  Thanks guys for the attention you showed me. I love you all.

  • stay still = diam, jangan bergerak
  • wrap = membungkus
  • shawl = selendang
  • be covered = tertutup
  • usher = menuntun/memandu
  • can barely = hampir tidak bisa
  • forever = lama sekali (sebuah kiasan hiperbolik).
  • unleashe = melepaskan ikatan
  • be turned off = dimatikan/dipadamkan


Jika aktivitas/kejadian telah dilakukan/terjadi dan berakhir in the past, gunakanlah simple past tense. Sedangkan, jika aktivitas tersebut sedang in action/in progress pada waktu yang sangat spesifik in the past, gunakanlah past continuous tense.


PERHAPS = PROBABLY = POSSIBLY = PRESUMABLY = MAYBE adalah sama-sama adverb yang synonymous, yaitu sama-sama berarti “mungkin atau kemungkinan“. Penggunaan kelima adverb ini juga sama, yaitu dapat ditempatkan di awal kalimat, di tengah kalimat dan juga di akhir kalimat.
Di lain pihak, MAY adalah auxiliary yang selain berarti boleh, juga dapat berarti “mungkin“. Karena merupakan sebuah auxiliary, MAY hanya boleh ditempatkan di tengah kalimat, yaitu untuk membentuk verb phrase:
MAY + VERB1, atau
Yang sering membuat kita bingung adalah MAYBE dan MAY BE. Tapi, dengan memahami Perbedaan Penggunaan MAYBE dan MAY BE, maka pertanyaan di atas (i.e. di awal posting ini) akan sangat mudah dijawab. Silakan ganti adverb maybe di artikel tersebut dengan keempat adverb sinonim ini, semua kalimatnya akan benar dan memiliki makna yang sama.
Contoh lainnya:
Maybe, she is sick.
Perhaps, she is sick.
Probably, she is sick.
Possibly, she is sick.
Presumably, she is sick.
She is maybe sick.
She is perhaps sick.
She is probably sick.
She is possibly sick.
She is presumably sick.
She is sick, maybe.
She is sick, perhaps.
She is sick, probably.
She is sick, possibly.
She is sick, presumably.
NOTE: Semua kalimat di atas bermakna “mungkin dia sakit“, sedangkan semua kalimat berikut bermakna “mungkin mereka sedang berlajar di perpustakaan“.
Maybe, they are studying at the library.
Perhaps, they are studying at the library.
Probably, they are studying at the library.
Possibly, they are studying at the library.
Presumably, they are studying at the library.
They are maybe studying at the library.
They are perhaps studying at the library.
They are probably studying at the library.
They are possibly studying at the library.
They are presumably studying at the library.
They are studying at the library, maybe.
They are studying at the library, perhaps.
They are studying at the library, probably.
They are studying at the library, possibly.
They are studying at the library, presumably.


From the two sentences below, which one is correct? Should we use IN or UNDER?
1. He will provide the comparison of detailed equipment to be installed at depot “under” cab signal.
2. He will provide the comparison of detailed equipment to be installed at depot “in” cab signal.
In context like this, I would choose the preposition UNDER, therefore, I would say  the first sentence is better.
He will provide the comparison of detailed equipment to be installed at depot “under” cab signal.
Please, correct me if I’m wrong.


Sepengetahuan saya, ONTO dan ACROSS tidak ada persamaannya.
ONTO merupakan penggabungan preposition ON dan TO. Adverb phrase of place yang diawali dengan ON hanya mengekspresikan tempat, atau untuk mengekspresikan pergerakan objek tapi objectnya tidak berpindah tempat.
  1. He stood on the table.
  2. He jumped and jumped on the table joyfully.
Jika ingin mengekspresikan pergerakan objek tapi terjadi perpindahan tempat (misalnya dari lantai ke atas meja) dapat digunakan ONTO.
  1. He jumped onto the table joyfully.
  2. My cat is very spoiled. Every time she sees me sitting, she always jumps onto my lap to get caressed.
  3. My little brother always throws his bag and his school uniforms onto his bed whenever he gets home from school.
NOTE: Kasus yang sejenis juga berlaku untuk penggunaan INTO. Kalau ragu menggunakan ONTO dan INTO, gunakan saja TO.
  1. He jumped to the table joyfully.
  2. My cat is very spoiled. Every time she sees me sitting, she always jumps to my lap to get caressed.
  3. My little brother always throws his bag and his school uniforms to his bed whenever he gets home from school.
Khusus untuk penggunaan ACROSS telah disinggung di topik : Preposition (Part 2).
Jika masih ada yang terlewatkan, silakan nanya balik. Thank you.


Someone said, “Beside being good at stealing money, Gayus Tambunan is apparently very good at being sorry. However, he is fucking moron at disguising.” (Seseorang bilang, “Disamping pintar mencuri uang, Gayus tampaknya (juga) sangat pintar berlagak menyesal. Namun demikian, dia sangat bodoh dalam menyamar.”)
Benarkah kalau di kalimat ini digunakan beside? Bukannya besides? Bingung kan?
Yeah, kedua kata ini sering membingungkan karena katanya yang mirip dan karena dua-duanya sering diterjemahkan menjadi “di samping”, walaupun makna keduanya sebenarnya berbeda.
Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan tadi, mari kita diskusikan penggunaan kedua kata ini dulu. Dan kalau nantinya masih bingung, tips (cara yang biasa saya  gunakan) di bagian akhir posting ini  diharapkan bisa  membantu anda keluar dari confusion.


Beside adalah sebuah preposition (kata depan), yang artinya = di samping (di sebelah kanan atau kiri). Karena sebagai preposition, beside selalu diikuti oleh noun atau oleh pronoun:
  1. I could hear my heart beats when I sat right beside her. (Aku dapat mendengar detak jantungku ketika aku duduk tepat di sampingnya).
  2. I know Andi very well because his house is beside mine. (Aku kenal Andi dengan sangat baik karena rumahnya di samping rumahku).
  3. His car is parked beside the red car over there. (Mobilnya terparkir di samping mobil merah yang disana itu).


Besides bisa berfungsi sebagai adverb dan sebagai  preposition.

a. Sebagai adverb

Sebagai adverb, besides dapat diletakkan di awal, di tengah atau di akhir clause. Namun demikian, besides pada umumnya diletakkan di awal clause :
Di sini, besides (= disamping itu)  maknanya sama dengan furthermore, moreover, in addition, atau also. Biasanya digunakan untuk menambahkan apa yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya. Olehnya itu, besides juga disebut connecting adverb.
  1. I will teach English tomorrow. Besides, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Aku akan mengajar Bahasa Inggris besok. Disamping itu, aku (juga) akan pergi meeting besok.)
  2. Agnes Monica is a great singer. Besides, she is a very good actress. (Agnes Monica adalah seorang penyanyi hebat. Disamping itu, dia (juga) seorang artis yang hebat.)

b. Sebagai preposition.

  1. Besides a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. Besides Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
Kalau diikuti oleh verb, maka  verb tersebut harus dalam bentuk verb-ing (gerund).
  • BESIDES + VERB-ING… (Aktif)
  • BESIDES + BEING VERB3… (Pasif)
  1. Besides having a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. Besides seeing Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  3. Besides teaching English, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Disamping ngajar Bahasa Inggris, aku akan pergi meeting besok).
  4. Besides being fertilized, plants should be watered regularly. (Disamping dipupuk, tanaman (juga) semestinya disiram secara reguler).
  5. Besides being called a Paradise Island, Bali is called the Island of Thousand Temples. (Disamping disebut Pulau Surga, Bali (juga) disebut Pulau Ribuan Pura).
Sebagai preposition, besides adalah sinonim dari in addition to dan except (= kecuali). Besides di contoh kalimat di atas dapat digantikan dengan in addition to.
  1. In addition to a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. In addition to Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  3. In addition to having a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  4. In addition to seeing Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  5. In addition to teaching English, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Disamping ngajar Bahasa Inggris, aku akan pergi meeting besok).
  6. In addition to being fertilized, plants should be watered regularly. (Disamping dipupuk, tanaman (juga) semestinya disiram secara reguler).
  7. In addition to being called a Paradise Island, Bali is called the Island of the Thousand Temples. (Disamping disebut Pulau Surga, Bali (juga) disebut Pulau ribuan pura).
Sedangkan di contoh berikut, besides dapat digantikan dengan except.
  1. There was no body at your house yesterday besides your house keeper = There was no body at your house yesterday except your house keeper. (Tidak ada orang di rumahmu kemarin selain/kecuali pembantumu).
  2. Besides those three courses, I have taken all the other courses = Except those three courses, I have taken all the other courses. (Selain ketiga matakuliah itu, aku telah mengambil (lulus) semua matakuliah lainnya).
NOTE: Kalimat di atas tentu saja dapat diputar menjadi:
  • She has a poodle besides a cat. (Dia punya seekor anjing poodle disamping (punya) seekor kucing).
  • She has a poodle besides having a cat. (Dia punya seekor anjing poodle disamping punya seekor kucing). Dan seterusnya.

Tips agar tidak bingung lagi

Dari contoh di atas kita lihat bahwa perbedaan baik dari segi penggunaan maupun dari segi makna dari kedua kata ini sebenarnya cukup jelas. Beside digunakan untuk mengekspresikan letak, sedangkan besides digunakan untuk memberi informasi tambahan. Namun, karena kemiripan kata dan translasinya, sering kita salah dalam penggunaannya. Maksud hati untuk mengekspresikan letak, kita gunakan besides; Sebaliknya, maksud hati untuk memberi informasi tambahan tapi kita tuliskan beside.
Untuk menghindari kesalahan ini, saya berpatokan pada besides:
  • Jangan terjemahkan besides menjadi “disamping” atau “disamping itu”! Terjemahkanlah besides menjadi “selain” atau “selain itu“.
  • Kemudian, anggap huruf s di besides tersebut sebagai singkatan dari “selain” atau “selain itu“, dan sebagai singkatan dari sambung (kata sambung) karena besides juga disebut conjunction (atau tepatnya:  connecting adverb), bukan?
So, penggunan beside di “Beside being good at stealing money, …..” adalah salah, bukan?

Penggunaan Kata Depan OUT

Mungkin anda sudah paham bahwa kata depan OUT (= di luar) merupakan antonym (kebalikan) dari IN (= di dalam).  Misalnya : out of the  classroom vs in the classroom, out of the can vs in the can (can = kaleng), out of the building vs in the building, out of the car vs in the car,  out of the room vs into the room, dst. Tetapi, apakah anda sudah paham dan pernah gunakan expression (ungkapan) : out of money, out of town, out of date, out of order, out of the question, dan out of work?
Penggunaan kata depan OUT baik ketika digunakan dalam modifier of place (keterangan tempat) maupun ketika digunakan dalam expression (ungkapan) adalah sebagai berikut:

a. out of the + ruangan/bangunan/container, dst.

  1. One of the the school’s regulations is (that) students are strictly prohibited from being out of the school area during class. (Salah satu peraturan sekolah itu adalah murid-murid dilarang keras berada di luar area sekolah selama jam pelajaran).
  2. We saw Jimmy walking out of the dean’s office. (Kami melihat Jimmy berjalan ke luar dari kantornya dekan).
  3. During summer, many people like sunbathing outside (of) their house. (Selama musim panas, banyak orang suka berjemur di luar rumahnya).
  4. Get out of my sight! (Enyah dari hadapanku!)
Note: Tergantung konteks kalimatnya, OUT juga dapat diimbuhi SIDE menjadi OUTSIDE. Jika OUTSIDE yang digunakan, penggunaan OF menjadi optional (bisa digunakan, bisa juga tidak). (Lihat contoh 3). Article the juga dapat digantikan dengan adjective pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, their, our). (Lihat contoh 3 & 4).
Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang menggunakan kata depan OUT.

b. out of + nama benda

Ungkapan ini dapat berarti to lack (= kekurangan), dan to be without (= kehabisan).
  1. My brother went out to the store because he was out of cartridge ink. (Kakakku pergi ke toko itu karena dia kehabisan tinta cartridge (untuk printer).
  2. Plants will wilt when soil is out of water. (Tanaman-tanaman akan layu ketika tanah kekurangan air).

c . out of town

Out of town = away = di luar kota. Antonimnya adalah in town.
  1. Sorry honey! I cannot see you this weekend because I will be out of town. I’ll see you as soon as I’m in town.
  2. Good morning Mam! This is Made speaking. I’m just wondering whether Mr. Stewert is still out of town or he has already been in town?

d. out of date

Out of date = old (= tua). Antonimnya adalah up to date = new (= baru).
  1. Don’t use that dictionary. It is out of date. Find one that is up to date. (di kalimat ini, one = dictionary = kamus).

e. out of work

Out of work = jobless = unemployed (= nganggur).
  1. Hery got fired last year and he has been out of work since then. (got fired = dipecat).
  2. The Indonesian government struggles to reduce the number of people who are out of work.

f. out of the question

Out of the question = impossible (= tidak mungkin).
  1. Your request for writing another exam is out of the question.
  2. He is very stingy so it’s out of the question to be able to borrow some money from him. (stingy = kikir/pelit).

g. out of order

Out of order = not functioning (= rusak/tidak berfungsi).
  1. I had to use my neighbor’s motorcycle because mine was out of order. (di kalimat ini, mine = my motorcycle).
  2. Is there a vending machine near by? Yes, there is one down the hall, but I’m afraid it’s out of order. (Vending machine = mesin penjual makanan ringan, minuman; I’m afraid = saya kira/rasa).

h. drop out of school

Drop out of school = putus/berhenti sekolah. Perhatikan, article the tidak digunakan setelah OF dan sebelum school. Bandingkan dengan contoh 1 pada poin a di atas).
  1. Think twice before you decide to drop out of school!
  2. It’s out of the question to get a good job for those who dropped out of school.

Penggunaan Kata Depan FROM

Kata depan FROM (= dari) merupakan antonym (kebalikan) dari TO (= ke). FROM pada umumnya diikuti oleh noun berupa tempat (daerah, kota, negara, dll.) dan aktivitas. Jika aktivitas berupa verb, maka verb tersebut selalu dalam bentuk gerund (verb1+ing).
Phrase dan expression (ungkapan) umum yang menggunakan kata depan FROM antara lain:

a. to be + from / come + from

Kedua phrase ini (to be from dan come from) digunakan untuk:
1. Menyatakan asal seseorang (daerah/kota/negara tempat kelahiran), dengan catatan:
  • Gunakan to be + from atau verb + from dalam pola simple present tense jika orang yang dimaksud masih hidup.
  1. Hi everybody! My name’s Made. I’m from Bali. Atau, I come from Bali.
  2. Where is Ricardo Kaka, the gifted football player, from? Atau, Where does Ricardo Kaka, the gifted football player, come from? I know him very well. He is from Brazil. Atau, He comes from Brazil. (gifted = talented = berbakat).
  3. Ebiet G. Ade is from Yogyakarta, isn’t he? Atau, Ebiet G. Ade comes from Yogyakarta, doesn’t he?
  4. Celine Dion is from Canada, but she lives in the United States of America now.
Dari keempat contoh di atas, Made, Ricardo Kaka, Ebiet G. Ade, dan Celine Dion berturut-turut berasal (tempat kelahirannya) dari Bali, Brazil, Yogyakarta, dan Canada, dan dinyatakan dalam simple present tense karena keempat orang tersebut masih hidup.
Note: Jika to be + from atau come + from diikuti oleh nama negara, phrase ini menunjukkkan kewarganegaraan orang tersebut. Pada contoh 2 dan 4 di atas, Kaka berkewarganegaraan Brazil sedangkan Celine Dion berkewarganegaraan Canada.
  • Gunakan to be + from atau come + from dalam pola simple past tense jika orang yang dimaksud sudah meninggal dunia.
  1. Mr. Soekarno, our first president, was from Blitar, wasn’t he? Atau, Mr. Soekarno, our first president, came from Blitar, didn’t he?
  2. Lady Diana was from Wales. Atau, Lady Diana came from Wales.
2. Menyatakan starting point
Jika to be + from atau come + from diikuti oleh nama daerah/kota/negara, dan orang yang dimaksud masih hidup, phrase ini menunjukkan dari mana orang tersebut datang (bergerak). Dengan kata lain, daerah/kota/negara tersebut menjadi starting point atau tempat awal. Walaupun destination (daerah/kota/negara tujuan) pada phrase ini tidak disebutkan, secara implicit terkandung bahwa destination-nya adalah tempat dimana si pembicara berada.  (Bandingkan dengan poin b di bawah).
  1. He came from Medan last night.
  2. Paul Klassen, along with his wife and daughter, is going to come from Canada on December 22.
Selain mengikuti verb come, kata depan from juga sering mengikuti verb berikut: walk, drive, run, jump, return, arrive, fly, dll. Begitu juga starting point-nya, selain nama daerah/kota/negara,  starting point juga bisa berupa tempat/alamat/lokasi  bangunan, dll., atau berupa aktivitas tertentu.
  1. She walked from school yesterday because her father didn’t pick her up. (pick up = menjemput).
  2. It took me two hours to drive from that village.
  3. Running from that blue building, which is only about a hundred meter long, made my breath short. (make my breath short = membuatku terengah-engah).
  4. Someone committed suicide by jumping from the tenth floor of that apartment. (commit = melakukan; suicide = bunuh diri; the tenth floor= lantai kesepuluh; gunakan apartment jika komunikasi dengan orang Amerika atau Kanada, atau flat jika komunikasi dengan orang Inggris).
  5. Tony and Rony will return from their trip tomorrow.
  6. Jenny is at home now. She just arrived from visiting her grandparents.
Remember: Jika from diikuti oleh verb, verb tersebut harus dalam bentuk gerund (Lihat contoh 6).
Verb seperti : prevent (mencegah), block (memblokir), ban (melarang), bar (melarang), prohibit (melarang), shield (melindungi), protect (melindungi), dll.  juga diikuti oleh from. Dalam hal ini, noun setelah from mangandung makna “tujuan”, bukan sebagai starting point.
  1. Plants should be watered regularly to prevent them from wilting. (wilt = layu).
  2. Turtles use the hard shell on their back to protect themselves from predators.
  3. Due to her erotic dances, Dewi Persik has been banned from performing in some provinces.
  4. We should protect our traditional belongings such as batik, Pendet,  Reog Ponorogo, from being taken over by our neighboring country.
  5. Even though Igloos are made of ice, they are very effective to shield the Eskimos from freezing air. (igloo = rumah orang Eskimo).

b. from + starting point + to + destination

  1. Indonesia stretches from Sabang to Merauke.
  2. Is it possible to drive from Jakarta to Surabaya in one day?
Note: Selalu gunakan FROM … TO, bukan from till/until. Jadi, INCORRECT jika ditulis:
  1. Indonesia stretches from Sabang till Merauke.
  2. Is it possible to drive from Jakarta until Surabaya in one day?

c. from + waktu start + to + waktu berakhir

Yang dimaksud dengan waktu di sini antara lain: jam (7 a.m, 8 a.m. dst), bagian dari hari (dawn, morning, dst), nama hari (Monday, Tuesday, dst), bulan (January, February, dst), year (2000, 1945, dst).
  1. The class was from 2 to 4 p.m.
  2. The journey was from dawn to dusk. It was a long journey, wasn’t it?
  3. I will be busy from Monday to Friday, but I will be free on Saturday and Sunday.
  4. Meteorologically speaking, in Canada, as well as other temperate countries in northern hemisphere, spring is from March 1 to May 30, summer is from June 1 to August 31, fall or autumn is from September 1 to November 30, and winter is from December 1 to February 28. (temperate country = negara beriklim sedang, dengan 4 musim; northern hemisphere = belahan bumi utara; spring = musim semi; summer = musim panas; autumn = fall = musim gugur; winter = musim dingin).
  5. Japan occupied Indonesia from 1942 to 1945. (occupy = menguasai/menjajah).
Note: Selalu gunakan FROM … TO, bukan from till/until.

d. From time to time (= occasionally) = sekali-sekali.

  1. Although we have broken up, we still get in touch with each other  from time to time. (have broken up = telah putus)
  2. He is not a strict vegetarian. From time to time, he eats meat. (strict = ketat).

e. Different from vs different than

Gunakan from, bukan than, jika membuat kalimat perbandingan (comparison) yang menggunakan kata sifat different. (Lihat comparative comparisons (Comparisons part 2).
  1. Although they are twins, they are different from each other. (Walaupun mereka kembar, mereka berbeda satu sama lain). INCORRECT jika: Although they are twins, they are different than each other.
  2. The American English is different from the British one.
  3. Apples produced in Malang taste different from those produced in the New Zealand.

Penggunaan Kata Depan BY

Pada umumnya, penggunaan kata depan BY adalah sebagai berikut:

a. by + the/a/adjective pronoun + tempat

Phrase ini memiliki dua arti, yaitu: ” melewati” dan ” di dekat”. Jika kalimatnya menggunakan verb yang mengandung makna “bergerak/berpindah tempat”, by = melewati (Lihat contoh 1-2). Sebaliknya, jika kalimatnya menggunakan verb yang bermakna “tidak berpindah tempat”, maka by = di dekat. (Lihat contoh 3-5).
  1. They walked by the library on the way home. (Mereka berjalan melewati perpustakaan itu dalam perjalanan pulang).
  2. We drove by your house last weekend but we completely forgot to stop by. (Kami naik mobil melewati rumahmu, tetapi kami benar-benar lupa untuk singgah).
  3. The young girl was crying by a telephone post when her parents picked her up. (Gadis kecil itu sedang menangis di dekat sebuah tiang telepon ketika orang tuanya menjemputnya).
  4. She stands by the window every night thinking of her long distance lover. (Dia berdiri di dekat jendela tiap malam memikirkan kekasihnya nun jauh di sana).
  5. I just parked my car by yours. (Aku baru saja memarkir mobilku di dekat mobilmu).

b. by + object kalimat

Phrase ini digunakan dalam kalimat pasif. Dalam hal ini, by = oleh.
  1. The company is being sued by its laborers. (Perusahaan itu sedang dituntut (di meja pengadilan) oleh buruh-buruhnya).
  2. My cellphone was stolen by someone this morning. (Hpku dicuri oleh seseorang tadi pagi).

c. by + specific time

Yang dimaksud dengan specific time di sini antara lain:  jam (7 o’clock, 8 a.m, 12 p.m, dst), atau  dawn (subuh), noon, midday (jam 12 siang), dusk (magrib), midnight (jam 12 malam). Jika diikuti oleh specific time, by = before (= sebelum).
  1. Meet me by noon tomorrow! (Temui aku sebelum jam 12 siang besok).
  2. They usually have dinner by 7 o’clock in the evening. (Mereka biasanya makan malam sebelum jam 7 malam).
  3. We will arrive there by midnight. (Kita akan tiba di sana sebelum jam 12 malam).

d. by + bus/plane/train/ship/car/bike, dst

Phrase ini  menyatakan alat tranportasi yang digunakan untuk pindah atau bepergian.
  1. It was very fascinating to travel by train during the fall. I could enjoy an unforgettable view of colorful leaves along the train tracks.
  2. It would be much nicer to go to the office by car than by bus.

e. by then

By then = sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau atau di masa mendatang.
  1. I will graduate from the university in 2011. By then, I hope I have found a job. (di kalimat ini, by then = sebelum tahun 2011).
  2. Soeharto died last year. By then, he had governed our country for more than 30 years. (di kalimat ini, by then = sebelum tahun lalu).

f. by way of

By way of = via (= melalui)
  1. We drove from Surabaya to Jakarta by way of Jalur Pantura.
  2. Many ships cruise from Europe to Asia by way of the Suez Canal.

g. by the way

By the way = incidentally = secara tak sengaja/secara kebetulan.
  1. By the way, I’ve got two tickets for the movie. Would you like to go with me?
By the way juga berarti “omong-omong”, biasanya digunakan untuk membelokkan arah pembicaraan.
  1. By the way, are you married?

h. by far

By far = considerably
  1. This is by far the best cellphone I’ve ever had.
  2. By far, you’re the most beautiful, caring, loving person I have ever met.

i. by accident/by mistake

By accident/by mistake = not intentionally (= dengan tidak disengaja); dan merupakan antonim (kebalikan) dari on purpose.
  1. Even though the student broke the microscope by accident, he had to be responsible for the repairing expense.
  2. I didn’t do it on purpose. It happened by accident.

penggunaan AT

Penggunaan preposition AT

Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan AT ketika digunakan dalam prepositional phrase, baik sebagai modifier of place, modifier of time, maupun ketika digunakan dalam ungkapan-ungkapan (expressions).

a. at + the + nama bangunan

Phrase ini digunakan untuk menyatakan general location, tetapi kurang spesifik dibandingkan dengan IN. (Lihat Penggunaan IN. a)
  1. Jane is at the bank at present.
  2. We met John at the bookstore yesterday.

b. at + alamat (rumah/kantor, dll)

Penulisan alamat umumnya diawali dengan nomor rumah/kantor, dll. kemudian diikuti oleh nama jalan, dst.
  1. Mr. Smith, our English teacher, lives at 10 Jalan Diponegoro.
  2. I once lived at 101-17 Maitland, Dundass  St. Toronto.

c. at + jam

  1. The class begins at 7 a.m and ends at 9.30 a.m.
  2. I was helping my mother at 6 o’clock last night.

d. at + home/school/work

  1. Why are you still at home? Aren’t you supposed to be  at school?
  2. He is usually still at work at 5 p.m.

e. at + dawn/noon/night/ midday/dusk/ night/midnight

Gunakan AT jika dikuti oleh  dawn (subuh), noon atau midday (tengah hari), dusk (magrib), night (malam), midnight (tengah malam); on the other hand, gunakan IN jika diikuti oleh morning, afternoon, evening. (Lihat Penggunaan IN. c)
  1. Bats are nocturnal animals because they are active at night.
  2. We usually have lunch at noon.
  3. They are hardworking persons. They leave the house at dawn and return home at dusk.

f. at least

At least = at the minimum= sekurang-kurangnya/minimal.
  1. In order to be admitted as a student at the Canadian universities, you’re required to have a TOEFL score at least 550. (be admitted = diterima)
  2. If you want to improve your English, you will need to spend at least an hour a day to read the grammar, to look up dictionary, and to practice.

g. at once

At once = immediately = segera.
  1. Please submit your report at once.
  2. I don’t have much time to wait. Please come here at once.
Note: jika tanpa AT, ONCE dapat berarti “satu kali” dan “dulu”.

h. at + present/the moment

At present = at the moment = now= sekarang.
  1. I was reading the usage of the simple present tense this time yesterday, but at present I am reading  this topic.
  2. He is on the phone at the moment.

i. at times

At times = once in a while = occasionally = sekali-sekali, kadang-kadang. Perhatikan: pada ungkapan ini, kata time selalu diimbuhi huruf s (menjadi: at times), bukan at time.
  1. At times, it is hard to understand what he says.
  2. Hey guys! Let’s get together at times. (get together = ngumpul-ngumpul).

k.  at first

At first= initially = in the beginning = pada awalnya.
  1. Rini was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed.
  2. Even though James was not attracted to Ani at all at first, he gradually admired her inner beauty. (gradually = sedikit demi sedikit; admire = mengagumi).

the differences among on,in and at

Penggunaan Kata Depan ON

Tulisan ini membahas penggunaan kata depan (preposition) ON ketika digunakan dalam prepositional phrase, baik sebagai modifier of place, modifier of time, maupun ketika digunakan dalam ungkapan-ungkapan (expressions).

a. on + the + permukaan benda

Phrase ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu benda berada atau menempel/bersentuhan pada permukaan benda lain.  ON berarti “di atas” jika menempel di atas permukaan benda lainnya.  Sebaliknya, gunakan ABOVE untuk menyatakan “di atas” tetapi bendanya tidak menempel.
Note: Article the, juga bisa digantikan dengan adjective pronouns.
  1. Why don’t you hang your pictures on the wall?
  2. There’s something on your cheek. (cheek = pipi).
  3. I put the book on your desk.
  4. We were not allowed to make comments. We had to sit still on the couch listening. (still = diam; couch = sofa).

b. on + nama hari/tanggal

  1. My birthday is in October, exactly on October 24. I was born on the 24th of  October in 1966.
  2. Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945, or exactly on August 17, 1945.
  3. I will be busy on Friday, but I will be free  on Saturday.
Note: Gunakan IN jika diikuti oleh nama bulan atau tahun. (Lihat Penggunaan IN. d)

c. on + nama jalan

  1. Mr. Smith, our English teacher, lives on Jalan Diponegoro.
  2. A terrible accident took place on Jalan Sudirman this morning.
Note: Gunakan AT untuk menyatakan alamat (no. rumah/bangunan + nama jalan). (Lihat Penggunaan AT. b )

d. 0n + a/the + bus/plane/train/ship/bike

  1. You’re late. Janet just got on the plane.
  2. I saw Maria on a bus this morning.
  3. A few days before Idul Fitri, many train passengers usually have no seats. They have to stand on the train or even dangerously sit on the roof of the train.
  • Gunakan IN jika diikuti oleh car/van.
  1. Get in the car!
  2. After all family members had got in the van, they left for their home village.
  • Untuk truck, gunakan IN jika berada di dalam ruangan sopir, dan gunakan ON jika berada di bak truck.
  1. Luckily, there was one seat left in the truck, otherwise, I would have sat on the back of the truck.

e. on + the + (ordinal number/adjective) + floor

  1. You guys can sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the floor.
  2. Heru lives in an apartment. He lives on the twenty- second floor of that apartment.
  3. Sir, we have only one room left on the thirteenth floor.

f. on the beach

  1. I saw them walking on the beach a few minutes ago.
  2. If you go to Kuta, Bali, you will see a lot of tourists lying on the beach. (lie = berbaring)

g. on time

On time = punctual = tepat waktu. Bedakan dengan in time. (Lihat IN. h).
  1. The meeting started at 10 a.m. Robby arrived at 10. He was on time.
  2. Despite the bad weather, our plane took off on time.

h. on the corner

On the corner = di pojok/di persimpangan. Biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu lokasi yang terletak di sebuah persimpangan jalan.
  1. The police station is on the corner of Jalan Diponegoro and Jalan Sudirman.
  2. The shopping center is on the corner of Main Street and Pasadena Avenue.
Note: Di Canada dan USA, nama jalan ditambahkan kata “Street” (disingkat St. Misalnya: Main St.) jika jalan tersebut membentang dari timur ke barat. Sebaliknya, ditambahkan kata “Avenue” (disingkat Ave. Misalnya Pasadena Ave.) jika jalannya membentang dari utara ke selatan.

i. on the sidewalk

  1. Don’t walk in the street. Walk on the sidewalk.

j. on the way

On the way = dalam perjalanan. Bedakan dengan in the way. (Lihat IN. j).
  1. I will buy the book (that) the professor told us to read on the way to campus.
  2. I think James is on the way to his girl friend’s house now.

k. on +the + right/left.

  1. My office is on the left wing of the building while Ronny’s is on the right.
  2. Do you know those two girls? Yes, of course, I do. The one sitting on the right is Lucy, while the one on the left is Lissie.

l.   on + television/ the telephone/(the) radio.

  1. The debate will be on television tonight.
  2. The manager is on the telephone. He will be here soon.
  3. Before the television era, we used to listen to live sports games on the radio.
Note : the didak digunakan jika on diikuti oleh television; the harus digunakan jika diikuti oleh telephone/phone; the optional (bisa digunakan, bisa tidak) jika diikuti oleh radio.

m. on the whole

On the whole= in general = secara keseluruhan.
  1. On the whole, the rescue mission was well done.
  2. Although SBY has been criticized on certain issues, on the whole, he is considered successful in governing our country.

n.   on the other hand

On the other hand = however = nevertheless.
  1. The present perfect tense is never used to indicate a specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is.
  2. He wants to study English at the university; on the other hand, his parents want him to take economics.

o. on sale

On sale = diobral, dijual lebih mural dari harga normal.
  1. The cellphones will go on sale this weekend.
  2. The regular price of the book is $99.95, but today it’s on sale for $75.

p.   on foot

On foot = walking = jalan kaki.
  1. My car did not start so I came on foot.
  2. Although he has a car, he prefers to go to his office on foot.
Note: ON pada ungkapan on foot juga bisa digantikan dengan BY. (i.e by foot).

Perbedaan Penggunaan IN, ON, dan AT Part

Apakah anda sering dibingungkan oleh penggunaan kata depan IN, ON, dan AT?  Jangan khawatir! Anda tidak sendirian. Ketiga kata depan (presposition) ini tidak hanya membingungkan beginners, tetapi juga advanced learners, bahkan native English speakers sekalipun.
Tulisan ini membahas perbedaan penggunaan IN, ON, dan AT, ketika digunakan sebagai keterangan waktu (modifier of time), keterangan tempat (modifier of place), dan berbagai ungkapan lainnya. Perhatikan dan hafalkan tipe noun yang mengikutinya dan ungkapan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Jika dilink, sebaiknya anda ikuti link-nya agar anda lebih cepat memahami perbedaan penggunaan  kedua kata depan yang dilink tersebut.

Penggunaan IN

a. in + the + ruangan/bangunan/container

Pada phrase seperti ini, IN = inside (di dalam), dan merupakan antonim (kebalikan) dari OUT (di luar).
Note: Tergantung konteks kalimatnya,  adjective pronouns (i.e. my, his, her, their, our, your, its) juga dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan the, namun, keduanya tidak dapat digunakan secara bersamaan.
Misalnya: in the room -  in his room; in the pocket – in my pocket. Tetapi INCORRECT jika: in the his room; in the my pocket, dst
  1. My classmates were in the classroom while I was lying sick in my room. (lie = terbaring; Teman-teman kelasku berada di dalam kelas sementara aku terbaring sakit di kamarku)
  2. The water in the fridge is not cold. The fridge must’ve been out of order.  (fridge = refrigerator = kulkas; out of order = rusak; Air di kulkas tidak dingin. Mungkin kulkasnya telah rusak ).
  3. Don’t put your damp clothes in the drawer. (damp = lembab; drawer = laci khusus untuk pakaian; Jangan taruh pakaian lembabmu di dalam laci pakain).
Note: AT juga bisa digunakan jika kata yang mengikuti merupakan nama bangunan. Misalnya: at the bookstore, at the police station, at the university, at the restaurant, dst. Phrase ini digunakan untuk menyatakan general location, dan maknanya lebih luas (atau kurang spesifik) dibandingkan dengan IN. (Lihat Penggunaan AT. a).

b. in + wilayah (blok, RT, RW, desa, kabupaten, provinsi, kota, pulau, negara, dll.)

  1. Ahmad Fannany lives in Palembang. (Ahmad Fannany tinggal di Palembang)
  2. Most people in villages cannot access internet. (Kebanyakan orang (yang tinggal) di desa-desa tidak dapat mengakses internet).
  3. Most people in Indonesia reside in Java. (reside = live = tinggal: Kebanyakan orang di Indonesia tinggal di Jawa).
  4. Amelia and Henni are in Japan now. (Amelia dan Henni ada di Jepang sekarang).

c. in + the + morning/afternoon/evening

  1. The class begins in the morning and ends in the afternoon. (Kelas (pelajaran itu dimulai di pagi hari dan berkahir di sore hari).
  2. He left in the evening and will be back at midnight. (Dia berangkat/pergi sore hari dan akan kembali tengah malam).
Note: Gunakan AT jika diikuti oleh midnight. INCORRECT jika ditulis “in the midnight atau in midnight”. Kata-kata lain yang dapat mengikuti AT dapat dilihat pada Penggunaan AT. e.

d.  in + nama bulan/tahun

  1. My birthday is in October. (Ulang tahunku adalah pada bulan Oktober)
  2. Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945. (Indonesia memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1945).
Note: Gunakan ON jika diikuti oleh nama hari atau tanggal. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. b)

e. in + the + past/future

  1. In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is now. (Dulu, bersekolah bukan merupakan keharusan, tetapi sekarang menjadi keharusan).
  2. If the massive deforestation continues as it does today, all of the islands in Indonesia will become deserts in the future. (deforestation = penggundulan hutan; desert = gurun; Jika penebangan hutan secara besar-besaran terus berlangsung seperti yang terjadi saat ini, semua pulau di Indonesia akan menjadi gurun di masa mendatang)

f. in + the + beginning/end

  1. They didn’t know each other in the beginning, but in the end they became friends. (Mereka tidak saling mengenal/tahu pada awalnya, tetapi pada akhirnya mereka berteman).
  2. In the end of this article, you will be linked to Practice test 6. (Di bagian akhir artikel ini, kamu akan dilink (ditautkan) ke Practice test 6).

g. in the middle

  1. I am lost. I am in the middle of nowhere. (Aku tersesat. Aku tidak tahu dimana aku sekarang berada).
  2. My friends could not spot me because I was in the middle of the crowd. (spot = melihat; Teman-temanku tidak dapat melihatku karena aku berada di tengah-tengah kerumunan orang).

h.  in time

In time = early enough = “beberapa saat sebelum waktu yang telah ditentukan”.
  1. Bloko had arrived 15 minutes before the meeting began.  He was in time. (Bloko telah tiba 15 menit sebelum meetingnya dimulai).
  2. Which one do you prefer: being in time, on time, or late? (Yang mana yang kamu lebih suka: tiba lebih awal sedikit, tepat waktu, atau telat?).
Note: Apakah bedanya dengan ON TIME ? (Lihat Penggunaan ON. g)

i. in the street

  1. Children should not play in the street. (Anak-anak seharusnya tidak bermain di jalan).
  2. I used to play football in the street in front of my house. (Dulu, aku biasa bermain bola di jalan di depan rumahku).
Note: Gunakan ON jika diikuti oleh nama jalan. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. c )

j. in the way

  1. He could not park his car in the driveway because another car was in the way. (Dia tidak dapat memparkir mobilnya di driveway (jalur/jalan keluar-masuk mobil di rumah/kantor/banguan, etc ke jalan utama) karena ada sebuah mobil yang lain yang mengalangi jalan ke driveway tersebut).
  2. I stopped paddling my bicycle and then pushed the brake because a crowd of kittens was playing in the way. (Aku berhenti mengayuh sepedaku dan kemudian menginjak rem karena segerombolan anak kucing sedang bermain di jalan/jalur (yang aku mau lewati).
Note: Bedakan dengan on the way. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. j)

k. once in a while

Once in a while = at times =occasionally = sometimes = kadang-kadang/sekali-sekali.
  1. Once in a while, we go out for dinner. (Kadang-kadang, kami makan malam di luar (i.e di restaurant, warung, etc).
  2. Once in a while, the naughty boy behaves well. (Kadang-kadang, anak nakal itu berprilaku baik).

l. in no time at all

In no time at all = dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.
  1. Robert finished his assignment in no time at all. (Robert menyelesaikan tugas/PR-nya dalam waktu yang sangat singkat).

m. in the meantime

In the meantime = at the same time = meanwhile = sementara itu; pada saat yang bersamaan.
  1. School starts in several weeks, in the meantime, let’s have fun. (Sekolah (akan) dimulai dalam beberapa minggu, sementara belum sekolah, mari kita bersenang-senang).

n. in + the + army/air force/navy.

  1. My brother has been in the army since he graduated from senior high school. (army = angkatan darat; Kakakku telah di angkatan darat sejak dia tamat SMA).
  2. The number of females in the air force is much fewer than that of males. (air force = angkatan udara; Jumlah perempuan di angkatan udara jauh lebih sedikit dari pria).

o. in + the + ordinal number + row (pada baris ke).

Ordinal number : first, second, third, fourth,…, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, …, twenty first, twenty second, twenty third, twenty fourth, dst.
  1. You will be able to watch the performance best if you sit in the first row. (in the first row = pada baris pertama; Kamu akan dapat menonton pertunjukkan itu dengan paling baik jika kamu duduk di baris pertama).
  2. Students who sit in the first row of the classroom usually have better grades, don’t they? (Murid-murid yang duduk di baris pertama di kelas biasanya memiliki nilai yang lebih baik, bukan?)

p. in the event that (= if).

  1. In the event that you win a certain prize, you will be notified by mail. Please remember (that) we will NEVER notify you by SMS. Therefore, in the event that someone tells your winning a prize by SMS, do not bait. Otherwise, you will be fooled. (be fooled = tertipu; Jika anda memenangkan sebuah hadiah tertentu, anda akan diberitahu lewat email. Ingatlah bahwa kami tidak pernah memberitahu anda lewat SMS. Oleh karena itu, jika seseorang memberitahu anda lewat SMS, janganlah dihiraukan. Jika dihiraukan, anda akan tertipu).
  2. You should know how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), an important life saving procedure before a medical assistance arrives. You could save someone’s life in the event that he or she doesn’t breathe and his or her heart fails to beat. (Kamu seharusnya tahu bagaimana melakukan CPR (pertolongan pernafasan dari mulut ke mulut), sebuah prosedur penyelamatan (jiwa) sebelum ambulance tiba. Kamu dapat menyelamatkan jiwa seseorang jika orang itu tidak bernafas atau jika jantungnya tidak berdetak).

q. in case (if).

  1. I will give you the key to the house so you’ll have it in case I arrive a little late. (Aku akan memberimu kunci rumah agar kamu dapat menggunakannya  (masuk rumah) jika aku pulang telat).
  2. Feel free to post a question in case you need further explanations (Jangan sungkan memposting pertanyaan jika kamu butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut).

r. (get) in touch with, (get) in contact with (berhubungan/berkomunikasi).

  1. It’s very difficult to get in touch with Jenny because she works all day. (Sangat sulit menghubungi Jenny karena dia bekerja seharian)
  2. The last time I got in contact with her was last January. (Terakhir kali aku berkomunikasi dengan dia adalah Januari lalu).
  3. The last time I was in touch with her was last January. (Terakhir kali aku berkomunikasi dengan dia adalah Januari lalu).

Active and Passive Voice

Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya.
Contoh :
  • Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
  • Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
  1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
  2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
  3. Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
  4. Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
  5. Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata ‘by’.
  6. Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pada poin h – o di bawah.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis

a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
  • Active    : He meets them everyday.
  • Passive  : They are met by him everyday.
  • Active    : She waters this plant every two days.
  • Passive  : This plant is watered by her every two days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were
  • Active    : He met them yesterday
  • Passive  : They were met by him yesterday
  • Active    : She watered this plant this morning
  • Passive  : This plant was watered by her this morning
c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
  • Active    : He has met them
  • Passive  : They have been met by him
  • Active    : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
  • Passive  : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
  • Active    : He had met them before I came.
  • Passive  : They had been met by him before I came.
  • Active    : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
  • Passive  : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
  • Active    : He will meet them tomorrow.
  • Passive  : They will be met by him tomorrow.
  • Active    : She will water this plant this afternoon.
  • Passive  : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
  • Active    : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
  • Passive  : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.
f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’
  • Active    : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
  • Passive  : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
  • Active   : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
  • Passive  : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.
  • Active    : He would have met them.
  • Passive  : They would have been met by him.
  • Active    : She would have watered this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant would have been watered by her.
h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
  • Active    : He is meeting them now.
  • Passive  : They are being met by him now.
  • Active    : She is watering this plant now.
  • Passive  : This plant is being watered by her now.

i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (was atau were) + being.
  • Active    : He was meeting them.
  • Passive  : They were being met by him.
  • Active    : She was watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant was being watered by her.
j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
  • Active    : He has been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They have been being met by him.
  • Active    : She has been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant has been being watered by her.
k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being.
  • Active    : He had been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They had been being met by him.
  • Active    : She had been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant had been being watered by her.
l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will be + being.
  • Active    : He will be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They will be being met by him.
  • Active    : She will be watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant will be being watered by her.
m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being.
  • Active    : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They would be being met by him.
  • Active    : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive   : This plant would be being watered by her.
n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
  • Active    : He will have been meeting them.
  • Passive  : They will have been being met by him.
  • Active    : She will have been watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant will have been being watered by her.
o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
  • Active    : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive  : They would be being met by him.
  • Active    : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive  : This plant would be being watered by her.
Contoh-contoh yang lain:
  1. Koko’s nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose. (Hidung Koko sedang berdarah. Dia dipukul oleh temannya tepat di hidungnya).
  2. The Indonesian football team was beaten by the Saudi Arabian team. (Team sepakbola Indonesia dikalahkan oleh team arab Saudi).
  3. These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago. (Tanaman-tanaman ini disirami oleh adikku beberapa menit yang lalu).
  4. There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes. (Tidak ada makan yang tersisa. Semuanya telah dilahap habis oleh Yeyes).
  5. English is studied by all high school students. (Bahasa Inggris dipelajari oleh semua murid sekolah menengah lanjutan (SMP dan SMA).