glasses girl

glasses girl
in the front of mosque

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Predicate adjective dan Predicate nominative

Salah satu rule penting dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa setiap kalimat harus mengandung verb.
S + VERB + …
dan bentuk verb tersebut selalu mengikuti tensis/aspek yang digunakan, seperti yang telah ditabulasikan di 16 Tensis dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, di lain pihak, kita sering menggunakan kalimat tanpa verb, misalnya:
  • Dia sakit.
  • Saya seorang murid.
  • Mereka di sini
Kalau ketiga kalimat ini kita terjemahkan langsung ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimatnya akan menjadi:
  • He sick.
  • I a student.
  • They here.
Benarkah? Let’s take a look! Di kalimat pertama, sick adalah adjective, di kalimat kedua, (a) student adalah noun, sedangkan di kalimat ketiga, here adalah adverb. Jadi, karena ketiga kalimat ini sama sekali tidak mengandung verb, maka tiga-tiganya adalah salah.
Lantas, verb apa yang tepat digunakan agar ketiga kalimat tadi benar?
Untuk kalimat dengan konteks seperti ini, adjective, noun atau adverb tersebut adalah menerangkan subjek kalimat. Verbs yang dapat digunakan untuk menjembatani subjek kalimat dengan adjective (disebut predicative adjective), dengan noun (disebut predicative nominative), atau dengan adverb ini secara kolektif disebut linking atau copulative verbs. Dan, linking verb yang tepat digunakan untuk ketiga kalimat di atas adalah be (i.e. is, am, are, was, were, be, been), dengan mengikuti pola berikut:
Dengan catatan:
  1. BE menjadi is, am atau are pada kalimat yang menggunakan simple present tense (see pola 1) dan present continuous (see pola 2).
  2. BE menjadi was atau were pada kalimat yang menggunakan simple past tense (see pola 3) dan past continuous (see pola 4).
  3. BE menjadi been pada kalimat yang menggunakan perfect tenses (see pola 5, 6, 7 ,8, 13, 14, 15 & 16).
  4. BE tetap be (simple form) pada kalimat yang menggunakan future tenses (see pola 9, 10, 11 & 12).
  5. BE diikuti oleh being (yaitu, untuk memberi makna sedang in action) pada kalimat-kalimat progressive (see pola 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16).
Berikut adalah pola-pola penggunaan be pada tiap tensis/aspek dalam Bahasa Inggris.
No Patterns Tenses/aspects
1 S + is/am/are + adjective/noun/adverb Simple present
2 S + is/am/are + being + adjective/noun/adverb Present continuous
3 S + was/were + adjective/noun/adverb Simple past
4 S + was/were + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past continuous
5 S + has/have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Present perfect
6 S + has/have + been + being + adjective/noun Present perfect continuous
7 S + had + been + adjective/noun/adverb Past perfect
8 S + had + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past perfect continuous
9 S + will + be + adjective/noun/adverb Simple future
10 S + will be + being + adjective/noun/adverb Future continuous
11 S + would + be + adjective/noun/adverb Past future
12 S + would + be + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past future continuous
13 S + will + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Future perfect
14 S + will + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Future perfect continuous
15 S + would + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb Past future perfect
16 S + would + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb Past future perfect continuous
Sedangkan yang berikut adalah contoh kalimat penggunaan be untuk tiap tensis/aspek.
No EXAMPLES Tenses/aspects
He is sick
I am a student
They are here
Simple present
He is being sick
I am being a student
They are being here
Present continuous
He was sick
I was a student
They were here
Simple past
He was being sick
I was being a student
They were being here
Past continuous
He has been sick
I have been a student
They have been here
Present perfect
He has been being sick
I have been being a student
They have been being here
Present perfect continuous
He had been sick
I had been a student
They had been here
Past perfect
He had been being sick
I had been being a student
They had been being here
Past perfect continuous
He will be sick
I will be a student
They will be here
Simple future
He will be being sick
I will be being a student
They will be being here
Future continuous
He would be sick
I would be a student
They would be here
Past future
He would be being sick
I would be being a student
They would be being here
Past future continuous
He will have been sick
I will have been a student
They will have been here
Future perfect
He will have been being sick
I will have been being a student
They will have been being here
Future perfect continuous
He would have been sick
I would have been a student
They would have been here
Past future perfect
He would have been being sick
I would have been being a student
They would have been being here
Past future perfect continuous

  • Di pola 9, 10, 11 & 12 di atas, baru penggunaan be setelah modal auxiliary will dan would. The simple form of be juga digunakan setelah modal auxiliary lainnya, seperti, can, may, might, shall, should, must, have to (simple future), dan could, might, should, had to (future in the past).
  • Untuk penggunaan be dan being lainnya, silakan cek di Penggunaan the simple form of BE dan Penggunaan BEING.

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