glasses girl

glasses girl
in the front of mosque

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Sepengetahuan saya, ONTO dan ACROSS tidak ada persamaannya.
ONTO merupakan penggabungan preposition ON dan TO. Adverb phrase of place yang diawali dengan ON hanya mengekspresikan tempat, atau untuk mengekspresikan pergerakan objek tapi objectnya tidak berpindah tempat.
  1. He stood on the table.
  2. He jumped and jumped on the table joyfully.
Jika ingin mengekspresikan pergerakan objek tapi terjadi perpindahan tempat (misalnya dari lantai ke atas meja) dapat digunakan ONTO.
  1. He jumped onto the table joyfully.
  2. My cat is very spoiled. Every time she sees me sitting, she always jumps onto my lap to get caressed.
  3. My little brother always throws his bag and his school uniforms onto his bed whenever he gets home from school.
NOTE: Kasus yang sejenis juga berlaku untuk penggunaan INTO. Kalau ragu menggunakan ONTO dan INTO, gunakan saja TO.
  1. He jumped to the table joyfully.
  2. My cat is very spoiled. Every time she sees me sitting, she always jumps to my lap to get caressed.
  3. My little brother always throws his bag and his school uniforms to his bed whenever he gets home from school.
Khusus untuk penggunaan ACROSS telah disinggung di topik : Preposition (Part 2).
Jika masih ada yang terlewatkan, silakan nanya balik. Thank you.

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